When it comes to calories, less isn’t always more. Anyone who wants to shed some kilograms of weight uses his common knowledge and reduces the amount of food he/she used to consume to shun the extra weight. That is a good idea though, ‘count what you eat’ as the scientists say. But sometimes this eating less may go against you especially when you have hit a plateau and mess with your weight loss efforts.

Let us have a look on when, why and how eating more might actually help you lose weight.


When we eat less thinking that it would shed a few pounds, yes, you are right. It will surely do. But why? Because you body needs fuel to run and that fuel is food for the body. The ‘metabolic’ engine will drop without this fuel. This leads to our body burning less calories. It happens due to inherited habit of our body to believe that calorie deficiency means a famine situation and the body’s mechanism of conservation begins. ‘Conserve what you eat i.e. hold on to those calories.

This is not just as simple as calories in and calories out. It works only when we provide enough fuel to our bodies.


Social media is flooded these days with topics teaching us to focus on our portion sizes and belittle them. But this ‘eating more’ works when we consume whole foods over processed foods. Just say you consume a protein bar thinking about the so-called promises in the wrapper of the product. But do you feel this to be better than a balanced meal consisting of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and protein?  Maybe you feel that you are giving more to your body in the second case, but it actually gives your body more of the ‘fuel’. Cut the junk, choose the fibre.


There are three ways by which our body utilises energy. The major proportion is accounted by the basal metabolic rate that is the energy body utilises at rest for bodily functions. Other component for utilising energy is through physical activity and by digesting food. Non exercise activity thermogenesis or NEAT is the energy that is burnt while doing everything except digesting, breathing, eating or doing any physical activity. Cooking, cleaning, fidgeting etc all these small activities can help to burn more calories in the long run.

Several research has been done to conclude that people with more NEAT tend to be leaner. So now you might be wondering what does NEAT have to do with eating more or less? Well, when people are provided with fewer calories, their NEAT drops. But this is something you need to focus on because increased activity leading to weight loss is highly individual. One may experience weight gain if they consume extra calories if that extra NEAT doesn’t quite compensate for the calorie increase, especially if you are already eating plenty. But if you are feeling lazy and tired, then it might be worth considering eating more calories and doing some movement. Increase your daily activities like walking to your office, choosing stairs over elevator or cleaning and mopping your house. Increasing NEAT is beneficial for an individual who is overweight and sedentary.


You have to eat more to lose more. There has been researches to prove that more meals work. Fasting is not a long term lifestyle change. Losing weight should be about progress, not suffering. It should be about realizing that you're ready to start living a healthier life, and you should feel happy and radiant while doing it.