For centuries, various foods or herbs were thought to help mothers produce breast milk for their babies. In more recent years, the active ingredient in many of these foods has been identified as galactogogues. Galactogogues are foods, herbs or medications that help to stimulate lactation and increase breastmilk supply.They stimulate the production of prolactin which helps to produce breast milk.Sucking is the best lactogogue

The diet can include lactogogues which stimulate the milk production.

Some of these are mentioned below:-

  1. Oatmeal: Oatmeal by itself is not the most flavorful food out there, but you can always spice it up by adding different fruits or blend in some cinnamon or honey. Not only are oats known to increase lactation but they also are packed with fiber, which gives you a boost in energy. Saponins — which oats are full of — are antibiotic and anti-inflammatory, supporting the immune system. But they also impact the milk-making hormones produced by the pituitary gland. Oatmeal is also extremely inexpensive at your local grocery store.

  1. Spinach: Full of iron, spinach is a useful vegetable to add as a side dish to any dinner and may aid in seeing a rise in your milk supply. You can also try beet leaves if you are not if you are not a spinach lover.

  1. Garlic: you will see an improvement in your supply by adding garlic to your diet. Plus, garlic is also known to thwart certain cancers.

  1. Brewer’s Yeast: Throw some in your breakfast smoothie and not only does it operate as a good source of energy, but brewer’s yeast is also known to tell your body to make more milk.

  1. Fenugreek: This herb works quickly to stimulate milk production as quickly as 24-72 hours after taking it. Fenugreek is most popularly blended in tea.

  2. Apricots: Need something sweet? Give dried apricots a shot. They can help you produce more milk and are also a good source of calcium. You can even add them to your oatmeal in the morning for a double boost.

  1. Fennel: Fennel is highly regarded as a galactagogue-both the root as food, and the seed as an herbal medicinal.Whether eaten as a vegetable or seed, the phytoestrogens in fennel are likely the source of its milk-making properties. Taken in too high a dosage, however, fennel seeds have to opposite effect of decreasing supply, so they should be used with caution. An added benefit is that improves digestion and reduces gas.

  1. Nuts: High in proteins and essential fatty acids, nuts are the perfect compliment to any diet. The amino acids in nuts are building blocks for serotonin, which is a necessary neurotransmitter for lactation. The best nuts for improving milk production are almonds, whether by the handful raw or through almond milk.

  1. Alfalfa: Alfalfa leaf is an herb with many beneficial vitamins, minerals and amino acids. Alfalfa is estrogenic, and promotes pituitary function, which is thought to be the way it works for increasing breastmilk supply. Consider adding alfalfa sprouts or seeds to your salad, or on a sandwich. Alfalfa also comes as a supplement in capsule form.

If you have identified a low breastmilk supply which has not improved by correcting baby’s latch, by skin to skin contact, or by increasing feedings then it is a good time to try adding galactogogues to your diet to assist in milk production.