‘Belly fat’, a name that creates a tremor in our bodies. Not only this type of fat is hard to get rid of, it invites various diseases along with it. Increased waist circumference is a better indicator to decide the at risk population of metabolic diseases, not the body weight alone.

Here comes a list of tips to reduce belly fat which have been proved by science.

  1. Make harmony with fibre

Increasing the intake of soluble fibre demands increasing consumption of pulses, salads, fruits and vegetables. Fibre makes the food convert to a viscous gel by absorbing water that delays the emptying of food from stomach and helps us feel fuller for longer. We tend to eat less on consuming a high fibre diet. Also it decreases the amount of calories absorbed from food.

    2. Trans fat- the worst fat

The FDA has instructed the producers to ban the use of trans fat in their products. The packaged and processed foods are loaded with trans fat. Read the food labels carefully, these health dangers are mentioned as ‘partially hydrogenated fats’. It increases the abdominal obesity, insulin resistance and risk of heart diseases.

    3. Alcohol links with central obesity

Excessive alcohol consumption increases the waist circumference. The post drinking belly bulge is obvious. Limiting the amount you drinkin a single day helps. If you need to reduce your waistline, consider drinking alcohol in moderation or abstaining completely.

    4. Raise protein,Reduce belly

Moderately increasing the protein intake is an effective and practical weight loss strategy. Having a high protein diet increases satiety and keeps us full for longer. It also raises the body’s metabolic rate and promotes the build up of more muscle mass, reducing the fat mass. Prefer lean meat and eggs, fish and legumes.

   5. Address your stress

Stress triggers the levels of cortisol in our body-‘the stress hormone’. This hormone increases the appetite and adds to fat gain around the middle. Prioritise to minimise stress by activities such as yoga and meditation.

   6. Shun the sugar

Sugar has been linked to obesity since time immemorial. Sugar is basically composed of glucose and fructose, this fructose has been researched to cause several chronic diseases when consumed in excess. Type 2 diabetes and fatty liver disease are also the consequences.

  7. Move it, let go it!

You have to work hard to reduce this belly bulge. Burn more calories by exercising. Exercise is among the best things one can do to live a healthy and long life and avoiding disease. Crunches are simple but effective and can be done by almost everyone and anywhere.

The final word

There are no magic solutions to lose belly fat. Losing weight requires effort, consistency and perseverance. A lifestyle modification is must!