Finally it’s the day-the day of independence, the day of freedom for every Indian. It is the time to show love towards your mother country. August 15th of every year, is a day of pride and glory for every Indian. So, do something special this year by freeing yourself free from bad habits, which are taking a toll on your life and hampering your health.Don’t knock your head in thinking how to make this independence  day special. It’s time to free yourself from the bad eating habits and take a pledge to add the tricolour foods in your daily diet.

Just keep the colours of nation in your heart and fill them in your food plate.make everyday colourful and patriotic just like our National flag.


The orange hue of foods is mostly due to a powerful antioxidant beta carotene, which is essential for healthy skin, hair and vision. It is important to have some orange on your plate every day because most people fall short when it comes to beta carotene in their diet.


This ‘halloween’ food is loaded with antioxidant lutein that plays a crucial role in healthy skin and eyes.


May be not fresh, but dried apricots are available all through the year being rich in fibre as well as potassium.


Melon, as the Indians call it is an excellent source of Vitamin A and C.


This famous salad vegetable is a low calorie veggie giving us satiety and is sweet to taste. Grab a carrot whenever hungry!


This National fruit is no less than magic for our taste buds. With the news spread all around that mangoes are fattening, its time to break this myth and relish this carotene loaded fruit!


An antioxidant cryptoxanthin in oranges protects the cells from damage. This citrus fruit is full of fibre and fulling for the human gut.


Indians consume it less keeping in view of high calories but trust me, it is the most underrated tuber! This veggie is full of vitamin A and C as well as potassium and is surely a ‘health’ food.


We always talk about eating “rainbow” foods but what about the foods that are not so colourful? People say white stands for refined foods that are high in carbohydrates and bad for our health.but what about foods that get a bad rap for no reason?


Mushrooms are famous for their immune boosting properties. Their antioxidant level and Vitamin D content has a strong anti-cancer property.


Cauliflower has many similarities to its other colourful cruciferous cousin, broccoli. These cruciferous vegetables are the largest source of phenolic compounds in the human diet.


The soluble fibre in oats binds the bad cholesterol and keeps heart diseases at bay. This healthy breakfast makes us feel fuller for a longer time.


Milk is the best source of proteins containing all the essential amino acids required for the healthy body. Along with this, tryptophan in milk causes the secretion of brain chemicals serotonin and melatonin that induce a sound sleep. Calcium and magnesium in it have a calming effect on muscles.


Are you thinking to cut back on your cholesterol and saturated fat intake? Along with being protein rich, this soyabean made tofu has also has been researched to decrease the risk of cancer.


Chlorophyll, the green pigment found in the leaves gives the food their green hue.


Good things come in small packages..and so are this nutritionally small peas. This Protein rich food is also good source of iron and zinc.


This bright green gem is one of the richest source of vitamin C. It has the phytochemicals lutein and anthocyanins that provide immunity to fight with diseases.


These leafy vegetables are low in calories and fat but a rich source of vitamin C and K as well as dietary fibre and folate.


Green grapes really excel nutritionally in their antioxidant content. These are packed with flavonols that play a crucial role in preventing cell damage.


Chlorophyll content in beans has been proven to have anti-cancer properties. It also serves to be a good source of iron and folic acid. Vitamin K in them also promotes bone health.

So this Independence day, lets all pledge  to include more of the tricolour foods in our diet.