Supplements for chronic fatigue syndrome(CFS)

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) is a condition that has characteristic episodes of extreme fatigue. Its a common condition usually affecting women. The causative factor behind these persistent and relapsing episodes is unclear, but some researches attribute it to the oxidative damage caused in the body. From here, the role of antioxidants comes into play, which help to fight with the free radicals generated by the oxidation process. There are few supplements available that help to reduce the relapse rate of such episodes such as -

Dietary supplements -

1. Glutathione (GSH) - One of the primary antioxidant in the body is glutathione. It is a tripeptide made of three amino acids - glutamine, cysteine and glycine. It helps to remove the reactive oxygen species from the body that cause cellular damage. Central nervous system diseases such as CFS have shown the bodies to be glutathione deficient. Bioavailability of oral glutathione is low, so often supplements of the precursors of glutathione such as cysteine are recommended. It has also been observed that those with exercise induced fatigue can be benefitted by using glutathione supplements as it improves lipid metabolism and acidification in skeletal muscles during exercise and causes less fatigue.

2. Glutamine - Glutamine is a non-essential amino acid that can be synthesised by the body on its own. Those patients suffering from CFS have a coincidently low levels of glutamine. So the supplementation with L-glutamine improves the recurrent fatigue episodes in the individuals. It is an important supplement for even those athletes who practice exercises for longer duration.

3. N-acetylcysteine (NAC) - Supplements of NAC are used to raise the levels of GSH i.e. glutathione, which is usually deficient in those suffering from chronic fatigue. So basically it is a source of cysteine which is a precursor of glutathione and keeps the antioxidants vitamin C and E in active form.

4. Alpha-lipoic acid (ALA) - Supplements of alpha lipoic acid also help to increase the levels of glutathione, which act as a potent oxidant and helps to deal with chronic fatigue.

5. Coenzyme Q10 - This supplement has neuroprotective properties and ability to improve the function of mitochondria (power house) of cells. It has beneficial synergistic effect in the patients with CFS with selenium.

6.Oligomeric proanthocyanidins (OPCs) - These botanical antioxidants have been found to be more effective in scavenging free radicals than beta carotene and vitamin C and vitamin E. It protects the CFS patients from DNA damage.

7. Ginkgo biloba - This botanical antioxidant is neuroprotective and increases memory and cognitive deficits.

8. Bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus) - It protects the red blood cells from oxidative damage and is neuroprotective.

9. Epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG from green tea) - EGCG is a catechin found in green tea and has an anti-fatigue effect.

10. Vitamin C and E - Supplements of vitamin C work synergistically with glutathione and work as a potent antioxidant. Also vitamin E / tocopherols levels have been seen to be deficient in those diagnosed with CFS. So supplementation with this vitamin also acts as a potent antioxidant and performs free radical scavenging activity.

11. Magnesium - Magnesium is an essential mineral used in various metabolic processes of the body. The level of intracellular magnesium is lower in patients with CFS than healthy individuals. Severe magnesium deficiency has been linked to increased oxidative damage in the body.

12. Selenium - This mineral is an essential component of glutathione (GSH) antioxidant system and helps the patients suffering from CFS. It works in synergistic relationship with Coenzyme 10.