Every mother wants her child to be healthy and fit. But do we actually make efforts for it? For indians, feeding good means stuffing the child with parantha’s or milk thrice a day, but is it so? Here are a few things mentioned which need to be modified and adopted for a healthy, active & fit child:



Most schools have started a ‘fruit break’ , but it’s mostly for the primary wing, wherein children bring a piece of fruit/vegetable to eat in mid- morning. It should be made compulsory for all because since we all know short and frequent meals is the key for healthy living. This break would play an important role in keeping the child active, to increase the consumption of minerals & vitamin loaded fruits & veggies, improve concentration & learning capacity and improve the nutritional status of the child. Moreover, its all about matching the psychology of the child since they  tend to eat when their friends eat it too.


What should i keep in my child’s tiffin tomorrow? It’s a question that bothers every mother because she has to keep in mind the likes and dislikes of the child, along with nutritional quality.

The common tiffin boxes generally consist of 2 compartments ,one for the vegetable & 1 for the chapati/bread/cereal. But this practice has to be modified now,to make the tiffin box balanced, it should  contain at least 3 food groups out of these 5 i.e. lean protein, fruits, vegetables, whole grains & dairy. The balanced meal aids in attentiveness and raised performance of the child, boosting immunity, introducing variety in the diet & developing positive attitude of the child towards food.



Mornings can be chaotic and as a parent you can be pushed for time getting everyone ready for school as well as sitting down to eat breakfast. But the first meal of the day is very important for school children and should not be missed. Studies have repeatedly shown that children who eat breakfast have far higher vitamin, mineral and fibre intakes and are better nourished, which helps them to focus in the classroom leading to better performance academically. Before heading to school, the most healthy meal for a child is a combination of healthy carb and healthy protein, not just a glass of milk. It’s a complete and balanced breakfast that is going to give children a long-lasting energy.



India has entered the era of dual nutrition burden where undernutrition remains a major public health problem, obesity is emerging as a major problem. Increased consumption of fruit juices, sodas and energy drinks is the leading cause of obesity and weight gain in children. What people commonly assume is that these are liquids and they have hydrated well , but on the contrary they cause dehydration. So, the key should be hydration with plain water or unsweetened drinks, a minimum of 6-8 glasses of preferably water or milk, natural fruit juices etc., encouraging the child to sip throughout the day. Increasing the consumption of hydrating fruits & vegetables such as cucumbers & grapes is also a good option. Since kids love a good competition, make it a game to see who drinks the most!



Kids need to eat a rainbow of fruits and vegetables every day. Eating fruits and veggies with a lot of colors helps you grow and stay well.

  • Red fruits and veggies help keep your heart strong.
  • Orange fruits and veggies help keep your eyes healthy.
  • Yellow fruits and veggies help keep you from getting sick.
  • Green fruits and veggies help make your bones and teeth strong.
  • Blue and purple fruits and veggies help your memory.


The  monsoon season and humidity brings along with it various infectious germs, bacteria and viruses that can cause serious illnesses in the child. Ensuring personal hygiene is very important. One should keep himself/herself clean and dry all the time since even damp clothes may cause fungal infections. Hand washing is the easiest and best preventive measure in avoiding illness, keeping germs away and inhibiting viral spread.Also, a shower is must after they come home playing.Clothes maketh the man!  Let your child wear loose cotton clothes allowing skin to breathe.