Joint pain is a common problem in people these days. One of the probable reason behind this is high uric acid levels in the blood stream that leads to a common form of arthritis called gout.

When we consume foods rich in purine, it leads to a waste product called uric acid. This is flushed out by the kidneys via urine. But sometimes, this uric acid doesn’t get flushed out from the body and builds up in the bloodstream. This can be caused by various factors such as diet, obesity, stress or genetics.

Here is a list of tips to reduce the levels of uric acid naturally:

  1. Low purine diet

The foods which are good sources of purine and produce uric acid  when metabolised in the body are organ meats (liver, kidney, heart etc.), fish, seafood, green peas, dried beans, cauliflower, mushroom etc. These foods need to be limited in the diet.

  1. Sugar is the culprit too!

There are few researches that link the intake of table sugar, fructose, high fructose corn syrup etc. with high levels of uric acid. Even the consumption of soda, sugars beverages and concentrated fruit juices adds on to sugar. There is a need to shift from refined and processed foods to whole foods because this will ultimately lead to a reduction in added sugars.

  1. Have plenty of water

Keep an alarm on as a reminder for consuming water. Water intake will help the kidneys to flush out the excess of uric acid. Keep a water bottle handy all the times.

  1. Alcohol consumption is a big no!

Alcohol drink such as beer is a source of purine too. Along with this, alcohol consumption causes dehydration in the body and body prioritises to excrete the metabolic products of alcohol and this triggers high uric acid levels in the body.

  1. Shed the extra pounds

Fat cells make more uric acid than muscle cells. Also an obese person’s kidney finds it harder to filter out excess uric acid. But care must be taken during weight loss as sudden loss also raises the uric acid levels. So avoid fad diets and crash diets.

  1. One important key is Vitamin C

Research suggests that consuming Vitamin C reduces inflammation and also helps the body to get rid of uric acid. Have a daily dose of this vitamin by consuming citrus fruits, grapes, kiwi, guavas, bell peppers etc.

  1. De-stress yourself

Inflammation in the body gives a trigger to high uric acid levels. And this inflammation is invited by poor quality sleep, stress and too little exercise. Have a daily dose of meditation, yoga, breathing exercises etc.

Foods to be avoided

  • Red meat
  • Organ meat like kidney, brain,heart etc.
  • Fishes such as sardines, mackerel, herring etc.
  • Baker’s yeast and Brewer’s yeast
  • Whole pulses such as rajmah, chane, rongi etc.

Foods to be taken occasionally

  • Fish
  • Poultry
  • Shellfish
  • Mushroom
  • Asparagus
  • Spinach
  • Dried peas
  • Lentil

Free foods

  • Cereals such as wheat, rice, maize, semolina
  • Washed pulses except lentils
  • All fruits
  • Milk and milk products 
  • Nuts and oilseed
  • Eggs
  • Tea and coffee
  • Pickles and condiments 

The final word

Diet, exercise and other lifestyle changes can improve gout and other illnesses caused by high uric acid levels. However, this is not a treatment for medical treatment. The right combination of diet, exercise and medications can help keep symptoms at bay.