October 16 is celebrated as ‘World Food day’ every year in the honour of the founding day of Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) in 1945. This year focus is on the theme: “Our actions are our future: A Zero Hunger World by 2030 if possible”.

Let’s talk about India’s hunger!

Talking about the current scenario, India is under the double burden of malnutrition, both undernutrition and overnutrition. India has seen a tremendous growth in industries as well as economy (rise in GDP being raised by 4.5 %). India produces sufficient grains to feed its population but they are not accessible to some sections of the society, particularly women and children. This means that problem is not the food availability, but food accessibility. As per the FAO report 2018, 195.9 million people are undernourished in India. Percentage of children under the age of five who are stunted is 38.4 while 21% are wasted. The plight is ‘One in every four children is malnourished’. Global Hunger Index also ranks India 100 among 119 member countries. These figures are alarming and saddening for the “Land of Gods:India”.

The sorry state of ‘Selfish’ Indians

We all are just engrossed in ourselves, the only worry we have is putting on weight, eating extra calories etc. Sometimes salty cravings, other times sweet cravings; only these thoughts occupy our mind. I don’t mean by this that move towards eradicating child stunting or wasting, but we at our end can make little efforts to give a contribution to this situation.

It’s better late than never!

Tomorrow is a big day for Indians, being Ashtami: the festival of halwa, poori, chana.

This ‘World Food Day’, let’s pledge together to feed our Indian brother and sisters, making a small effort towards eradicating the bigger numbers on the global scale!

Let’s pledge to help those in need!

Let’s pledge to not waste food anymore!

Let’s pledge to try that no one sleeps hungry, at least in the area you live in!

Significance of Ashtami!

The Navratri festival is on its end stage, its last two days Ashtami and Navami are the ones celebrated with great zest and zeal. The Navratri celebration closes with Kumari Poojan or Kanjak Poojan, where 9 girls (believed to be manifestation  of the nine forms of Goddess Durga: Shakti Maa), are fed. This highlights the message of feeding the little girls who are just the manifestations of Maa Durga. But the Point is not just completing the rituals and getting free from your duties, but it is to learn its importance and value it and use it! So take a pledge this Ashtmi to carry forward this religious practice and feeding the needy girls and even small boys.

These little girls are just the manifestations of Maa Durga. We should pledge today that not a single Kanjak sleeps hungry. Let Maa feel proud that her children are not letting her grandchildren sleep hungry!

Religion is supposed to make us more humane, isn’t it!?

What’s the fault of kids begging at traffic light?

What’s the fault of those hungry eyes which come in our car windows and look at us just asking for a little help, and we just wave them to go? This Ashtami let’s pledge to buy extra grocery (juices, toffees, amla candies etc.) for those children who need just a little love and affection by the ‘Gari wale uncle/aunty’.

Have you ever thought of the food that goes wasted in restaurants?

We should come and join in groups to collect the foods that restaurants waste on daily basis and give it to those in need. Visit the slums and feed them. Let them also know the taste of pizza that we crave for! Have you ever thought what will a hungry crave for? We very easily say i am craving for this, i am craving for that. Craving happens when we are not hungry. But what about those who are always hungry? Trust me they hardly know the feeling of being full. The gloom in their eyes is enough to narrate their story!

Pledge to join ‘Feeding India’!

Feeding India runs the largest youth run network towards solving hunger and food waste. Join them and enjoy the mental pleasure you feel! Call them at the end of any party or wedding, they collect the leftovers and donate them to the needy. They operate 24*7.

Know the difference between giving and giving away!

You made your family’s favourite dish in large quantity, your family relished it and then they ate it far beyond satisfaction. What next? It remained in fridge for 2 days. And after that asking your kids continuously to have it, you finally think to give it to the maid rather than throwing it in dustbin. Wait, what!? Seriously, you think that way? And then you are proud too that you keep your maid happy! The basic rule of giving is “Not giving anything that you yourself won’t eat!” It’s better to not give away the stale food, than causing them harm. Because we who have surplus can distinguish between healthy, fresh and stake food, but those hungry eyes can’t! For them even that stale food coming home is a party day! A day when they won’t have to sleep hungry!

Be a one man army!

History has time and again repeated to signify the importance of a single man in bringing about change. Mahatma Gandhi, Bhagat Singh etc. are some of the great men we look upto. This tells us the power of a single individual. Wake up and get involved. Increase your power exponentially by using social media. Don’t be stupid enough to count likes on your pics with RayBan, rather wake up with a dream of zero hunger India, make efforts towards it, join other people with you and reach your target!

Mid day meals!

Government has started this scheme in India, but because of lack of funds, most government schools still fail to supply the desired meals as per the scheme. If you feel donating on roads is not ethical or going to slums is not your cup of tea, no worries! Go forward with the idea of supplementing money/ ration to the Government schools to provide meals to hundreds and thousands of children they educate daily!

Let the Maa Durga’s festival make you realise the power of a women!

Women is shakti. She can do anything and everything, if she pledges to! This Ashtami take a pledge to empower the women. When women are empowered, families eat. They are the caretakers of the family. Give the shakti of a women a right direction to see how beautifully a woman can change the world!

The final word

You can make the difference and feed the hungry if you are willing to!  Pledge this ashtmi for a zero hunger India