When we talk about thyroid gland, it’s a tiny butterfly-shaped gland in the front of our neck and plays a crucial role in how well our bodies work. The underactive thyroid i.e. a condition commonly called hypothyroidism is a condition when this gland doesn’t produce sufficient amounts of thyroid hormones which are T3 and T4. These hormones are important for the efficient metabolic activities of the body. Low levels of these hormones reduce the basal metabolic rate. Such an individual is prone to gain weight easily, followed by other symptoms such as depression, fatigue, hair loss, feeling cold etc.

In hypothyroidism, one may certainly need thyroid medications. But along with this, a well-balanced healthy diet also helps to treat the underactive thyroid.

Have a look at a few healthy choices in hypothyroidism:

  1. Go for the rich ‘Fish’

Fatty fishes such as tuna, sardines, salmons etc. are an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids. Research has proven that people who have unmanaged hypothyroidism with high levels of TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) are at an increased risk of developing heart diseases. These omega-3 fatty acids will help to reduce the inflammation, boost the immunity and lower the risk of heart diseases. Also, fishes are selenium-rich that has an anti-inflammatory effect.

  1. Say Yes to the ‘Whole grains’

One of the most common symptoms of hypothyroidism is constipation. So, it’s better to consume whole grains such as whole wheat, brown rice, oats, millets etc. so that enough fiber is provided which will help with bowel irregularity. Consumption of pearl millet is a little controversial in hypothyroidism.

  1. Incredible ‘Fruits and vegetable’

In hypothyroidism, it’s a common symptom of gaining unexpected and sudden weight. And for any weight loss regime, it’s always the best to have more low-calorie and nutrient-dense foods. What else can be better than raw fruits and vegetables!

  1. The story of ‘Dairy’ and ‘eggs’

They are an excellent source of good quality protein and also iodine-rich. One of the most common reasons behind hypothyroidism is iodine deficiency. So consumption of iodine-rich foods such as fishes, beans, eggs, dairy products etc. along with iodized salt is highly recommended.

Say ‘NO’ foods!

  1. Shun the ‘Goitrogens’

Goitrogens are the substances that interfere with efficient thyroid function. Soya products such as soybean, soy milk etc., nuts such as peanuts and cruciferous vegetables such as cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, spinach etc. contain these goitrogens. But there is a misconception here. Yes, it’s true that they have goitrogens but cooking inactivates these substances. So, the problem comes when you consume them raw and in larger amounts.

  1. Lower ‘Gluten’

Individuals with Hypothyroidism are more prone to get celiac disease. So, restricting gluten products will also be beneficial.

 3.  No, augment with ‘Supplement’

When it comes to consuming iodine and selenium supplements for an underactive thyroid, it’s a complete NO.

The final word

Always remember that food is a fuel and nourishing your thyroid with the fuel so that it can function properly. This is a key step in restoring thyroid function, eliminating symptoms and restoring your health and vitality.