Introducing food to your toddler

Weaning is the process of moving your little one on from a diet of just milk to solid food too. The first stage of weaning helps lay the foundations for healthy eating habits, and teaches your baby how to eat from a spoon, swallow and eventually chew.

Five signs that your baby is ready to have solid foods

  1. Baby can hold head upright without suppor

  2. Baby can sit upright (maybe need a bit support

  3. Baby can bring food to their mout

  4. Baby can swallow food

  5. Baby can communicate a full signal such as shaking head or pulling away

When to start first foods

WHO recommends a period of exclusive breastfeeding for 6 months and introduction of weaning foods by 6th month.

What to start with?

Begin with home cooked foods using fresh ingredients as these are easily digestible for the little toddler. Begin with half to one teaspoon of cereal water or dal water, gradually increasing to say half cup. Let the baby guide you the quantity he/she is ready for.

Patience is the key

Baby may enjoy the first taste of real food, but it is also possible for the baby to take time to accept this food. A few may adapt quicker while others may be too fussy. Introduce weaning food to your baby lovingly and gradually, making it a pleasurable experience. Best time to introduce is during the daytime when digestion is better than night.

A few tips

  1. Weaning is a method of trial and error to find out the taste your baby relishes the most.

  2. During initial days, allow baby to lick some foods to get used to different flavours and textures.

  3. Start giving a very thin consistency initially, then thickening it.

  4. Baby needs parents attention the most at this time.

  5. While introducing foods, watch carefully for allergic reactions such as cough, cold and skin rash.

  6. If the baby dislikes a food, avoid giving the same food again. Try again after a week.

  7. Always feed in upright position.

  8. Do not urge the baby to eat more than he/she wants.

  9. Avoid adding strong spices like pepper and garlic to baby’s meals initially.

  10. Do not serve hot foods to baby. Rather serve lukewarm foods.

The final word

So expect a wide range of emotions, and understand that your child may have them too. Also remember that there will be countless ways to nurture your child in the days ahead.