Each one of us has some day or the other experienced an upset stomach. It is followed by constipation, diarrhoea, abdominal pain, abdominal discomfort, nausea, bloating, indigestion, vomiting, burning sensation in upper abdomen etc. The foods that generally upset our stomach are those that cause the irritation and inflammation of the cells of intestinal lining. So avoid such foods in excess amounts to refrain from upsetting stomach.

  1. Dairy is scary

Modern era diagnoses many people with lactose intolerance who find it difficult to digest lactose i.e. milk sugar. Dairy becomes a food group that is difficult to digest. Undigested lactose causes gas and bloating. If detected, prefer cheese or curd as the lactose in them has been converted to lactic acid.

  1. The fiber rich Whole grains

No doubt in this that we prefer whole grains over the refined ones. But when it comes to an upset stomach, it’s better to avoid an overdose of them because too much fiber causes indigestion and bloating. Don’t completely stop consuming them. If suffering from disease such as crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis etc., then it becomes necessary to restrict fiber as it becomes irritant for the mucosal lining.

  1. Spicy foods disturb the gut

Spicy foods such as chilli peppers and cayenne peppers are a disturbance to the gut lining as our body cannot break down and they cause irritation to the stomach and intestinal lining. They cause burning sensation in the upper abdomen. So prefer to have less spicy food.

  1. Regular Tea and coffee consumption is never good

Not only having tea and coffee causes gastrointestinal irritation, but they also lead to poor absorption of nutrients. Tea contains tannins and coffee contains caffeine. Both of these lead to excretion of minerals out of the body.

  1. Alcohol-a big NO

Alcohol causes inflammation and irritation of the digestive tract. It causes various allergies too. According to World Health Organization, drinking alcohol has been linked to cancer of throat, mouth, larynx, pharynx, oesophagus, breast, bladder and liver.

The final word

Whatever may be the cause of an upset stomach, eliminating or restricting a few foods from your diet always helps. If the symptoms persist, visit a doctor.