Diwali is round the corner. This diwali let us pledge to not play the gamble of our health and be a little aware and alert about ourselves. Know the modern era’s reasons of a deteriorating health and pledge to be away from them.

  1. Respect your nature as it decides how healthy you are

Diwali season brings along with it the polluted and toxic air. Newspapers headline are full of articles on climate change and how our climate is affecting our health. May be animal life, plant diversity or human health, all are at verge of deterioration. What’s a topping over all this is the increase in the earth’s temperature by one degree celsius. Have a green diwali this time. Do Not burst crackers and pollute the air. Let your future generations breathe in healthy air.

  1. Sweets don’t actually add sweetness to your life

The most exciting things about festivals is the tempting and relishing sweets prepared on them. India ‘the land of festivals’ is known for its sweet delicacies worldwide. But what my concern is that we, irrespective of the fact how much we are gulping in, have sweets just like it is something very healthy. But what we forget is that they are loaded with sugars, saturated fats and calories, of course. Having more of sugar in the diet has been proven to cause deranged lipid profile, tooth decay, risk of diabetes and risk of low bone strength. Have sugar considering it to be little in nutrition and greater in calories. You may consume sweets in small portions once or twice a week.

  1. Completing work is important, but not as important as a quality sleep

All experts suggest a 6-8 hours of quality sleep. But we humans be our own experts, neglecting the power of a good sleep and using that time to complete the pending works. There is no doubt in it that work is important too, but on the cost of sleep is not at all the healthy option. It’s been related to various mental imbalances as well as hormonal imbalances. Also don't let the festival season disturb your sleep. If you want to look fresh, have a good night sleep.

  1. Neglecting the health and being lazy may sound cool, but they are the real demons

The human nature is being too scared of anything-of dying, of suffering from any ailment, from failing etc. In this entire cycle what we forget is our health. Humans are becoming health conscious when it comes to diet but they are also denying any health issue. Everybody wants to be fit and fine, but if our body shows some signs, we prefer to neglect it rather than getting the appropriate tests done. Most of the health issues can be resolved if detected early. This festival season take a pledge to not only focus on diet related aspect of health, but also on your mental and physical health as well. Also stop being lazy in this comfy weather. Healthiness is next to Godliness and laziness is next to unworthiness. It makes you a sedentary worker and an inactive lifestyle welcomes a shorter life span. So this festive season aim for a better health by every possible way you can.

  1. Eating habits decide the future of your body

Something as little as eating habits is enough to make you or mar you. Have a week of binging on junk food-full of fats and sugar, and try to sense your body’s reaction to it. You will feel lethargic, drowsy, heavy and just as uncomfortable as you can be. And after this week, follow a week of healthy foods with regular eating times-loaded with fruits and vegetables, good protein etc. The signals your body will give you will be exciting. Your skin will begin to shine, you will feel quite energetic compared to the previous week and over all this, you will be really happy. So this festive season do not forget to understand that what you eat has a bearing on your body and eat accordingly.

  1. ‘Stress’-The magic behind every disease

Modern man is not happy. He has many stresses-may it be stress of office work, relationships, friends, money etc. Asking anybody about their stress gives us a long list of problems in their life. Who doesn’t have problems? Coming out of those troubles with a bang makes you odd in evens. Name any disease, read about the reason behind it. I am sure that somewhere hidden will be a little word called ‘stress’. This tension is taking us nowhere but only closer to our death. This diwali break up the shackles of stress and enjoy life at its best.

The final word

Let health be the first priority this diwali. Health doesn’t only mean diet related changes, but it means focusing on it from every aspect-being physically active, having a good quality sleep and

not neglecting the cues that your body is giving you is also important.

Happy diwali 2018