PMS or premenstrual syndrome-this word sounds scarier than a horror movie sometimes! Just when a woman has pledged to lose weight and maintain a proper diet, from the middle of nowhere PMS strikes her. It’s actual threat is not the abdominal cramps and bloating, but it’s the changes in hormones that affect the appetite and a woman loses control over herself and her will power and eats beyond limits. Not all women face it, but those who do know the wrath it causes, not only to the body but also to the emotional well-being. A happy girl becomes an angry, irritated, exhausted and depressed one just a few days before her periods.

Now, here comes the role of emotional eating. This basically associates food with emotions. While some binge eat and overeat when sad, others celebrate their victories by eating. Few eat chocolates to become happy, others have salty tangy chips for exciting themselves. All the pleasure-giving foods are craved-sweet, salty, creamy, tangy, greasy etc. PMS invites more munching and women tend to eat more calories than their regular consumption.


In every mood, brain releases certain chemicals. When we are in a good mood, body releases serotonin, endorphins (happy hormones) etc and a bad mood promotes the release of cortisol (stress hormones)  etc. A bad mood is followed by a craving to have more palatable foods. PMS demands the body to calm down and relax and this can be done by the release of serotonin in the body and consuming some mood foods. What are these?

  1. Chocolate

Chocolate contains tryptophan (an amino acid) which the brain needs to produce serotonin. It generates a feeling of pleasure and well-being.

  1. Milk

Milk has casein and whey protein which are a potential sources of opioid peptides. They possess properties similar to that of opium, helps to induce sleep, decrease the stress levels and improve mood. This is the reason why infants become addicted to milk.

  1. Buttermilk

Cold lassi and buttermilk produce soothing effect and enhance one’s mood.

  1. Coffee

Coffee has a psychoactive response because it changes the mood and cause alertness. But the regular consumption of coffee caffeine suppresses the formation of serotonin and causes depression. So, keep in mind to consume it occasionally. It offers temporary relief but long-term adverse effects.

  1. Green tea

It contains L-theanine which promotes relaxation.

Dietary do’s

•Increase consumption of fruits and vegetables to 5 times a day.
•Consume fish twice a week (mackerel, tuna, salmon and herring).
•Ensure sufficient protein from fish, meat, eggs, beans and lentils.
•Exercise and meditate daily.
•Stay away from stress as far as possible.
•Aim for at least 3 servings of calcium-rich foods per day as they lower the PMS pain and headache.
•Vitamin D needs to be added in the diet via fortified milk and salmon. Enjoy the sunlight. If the levels are low, have vitamin D supplements after doctor’s prescription.
•Eat regular meals throughout the day. 
•Have small and frequent meals. 
•Consumption of Vitamin B1 and B2 lowers the risk if getting PMS. But this works if the source is food, not supplements. 
•Eating well daily is a better approach than modifying diet only during the PMS days. 
•Have whole grains to get sugar in the body.
•Eat a rainbow of food.
•Have plenty if water at least 8-10 glasses per day.
•Have handful of nuts as they are loaded with omega-3 fatty acids. They also contain magnesium which is good for happy mood.
•Flaxseeds are currently under research, but have helped the postmenopausal women with the bloating and cramp pain.

Dietary don'ts

•Do not go overboard with caffeine consumption.
•Limit the consumption of table salt as it causes water retention. 
•Skipping meals or breakfast is never recommended.
•Do not overdo on sugar when sugary cravings strike you as it leads to weight gain only.
•No alcohol consumption is recommended in PMS.
•Limit the intake of processed foods as they also contain added salt/ sodium as preservatives.
•Avoid trans fat as they encourage inflammation and menstrual pain.

The final word

PMS is a period of the roller coaster of emotions. Rather than munching all those junks and fatty sugary foods for a few days and completely mismanaging your lifestyle, opt for healthy options. Always consider moderation in eating anything to suppress your craving. Also, know the mood foods for your body. Don't forget that exercise, stress relieving and meditation/relaxation are equally important.