A stable blood sugar level is one of the sign of healthy body. Blood sugar spikes are caused by  the buildup of sugar in the bloodstream. Untreated high blood sugars may ultimately lead to death. Stress, illness, infection, improper diet, lack of exercise, inadequate intake of insulin and diabetic medications are a few causes of this. Achieve the stable levels by incorporating the following changes in your lifestyle:

  1. Rest is important, but move your body too!

Stability of blood sugar can be achieved best by a regular exercise regimen. Exercise has various health benefits to a diabetic. It de-stresses the body. The body’s sensitivity to insulin hormone increases, promoting efficient functioning of hormone in the body to control the high sugar levels. Exercise also lowers the blood sugar levels because the glucose gets utilised. Overall, it makes the person feel better. Now when I talk about exercise, it’s nothing specific. But a moderate intensity exercise of minimum 30-45 minutes, be it a walk, jog, yoga, breathing exercises, weight training etc. Incorporate more of physical activity in your daily life by taking stairs, walking to the workplace etc. But keep in mind that consistency will be achieved only if the goal is realistic!

Note: If you are on insulin injections or medications, talk to your doctor to adjust the dosage if you are on a regular exercise routine.

  1. Don’t be focused on specific foods to lower sugar levels, but aim for a well-balanced diet!

Having diabetes doesn’t mean you have to restrict the diet totally now. But the point is to enjoy every food group equally, just ignoring the sugar group i.e. sucrose, honey, jaggery etc. Starchy vegetables such as potato need to be restricted. Relish the diet with whole cereals, beans, legumes, low-fat dairy, citrus fruits, lean meat, nuts, poultry etc. Focus to keep the grains whole not refined such as brown rice, buckwheat, millets, quinoa, whole wheat, oats etc. Prefer to consume less processed foods as they have little effect on blood sugars. Go for fibre rich foods and protein at every meal as they help keep levels on the lower edge. So, reading this will strike you that having diabetes doesn’t mean you can no longer enjoy your food!

  • Have fresh whole fruits rather than fruit juices and also avoid high fructose fruits such as mango, banana, chikoo etc.
  • Observe the carbs you take-have complex carbohydrates and avoid the simple ones.
  • A diabetic has to watch the fatty foods. Use less oil in the menu, eat egg whites, prefer lean meat and grilled/ boiled chicken etc.
  • Keep a check on the portion sizes. 
  1. Keep calm as stress is the main culprit behind everything!

Having stress puts your body to a ‘flight or fight’ mode. This means that body will make sure that it has enough stores of fat and energy everytime. This keeps the blood sugar levels raised. Stress also decreases the body’s sensitivity to insulin. De-stress yourself with yoga, meditation, breathing exercises, relaxation therapy etc. Spend more time with friends and family and direct your thoughts towards positive side.

  1. Smoking and drinking alcohol doesn’t de-stress the body, rather they add on to stress!

Smoking causes the spikes in blood sugar levels. Also, it leads to complications of diabetes-blindness due to retinopathy, kidney and heart disease etc. Smoking also decreases the blood flow to the legs and feet that would lead to infections, ulcer and amputation of toes and feet.

Talking about alcohol drinking, some drinks have sugar contained and these raise the blood sugar levels. Then comes other drinks which doesn’t contain sugar, these lower the sugar levels causing dizziness, disorientation and sleepiness. Also alcohol can lower the willpower to resist overeating.

The final word

High blood sugar levels in a diabetic or non-diabetic person needs to be addressed by lifestyle modification. Follow these tips for a stable sugar level!