Bloating, this term basically refers to the formation of gas in the intestines. Have you ever thought of the possible reasons behind the gas formation? Poor eating habits, few foods and hormones may lead to this. Bloating is a very uncomfortable feeling causing pain and the stomach looks stuffed and bigger.

We need to find some smart strategies to wave a good bye to this bloating and discomfort. Let’s explore some probable reasons behind this ‘stuffy’ feeling and What can we do about them:

  1. Do you stuff yourself with food?

There are people who consume a lot of portion size than their body requires and later feel discomfort and uneasy with that eaten food. This is because some people’s stomach are sensitive to food and gives a signal of eating too much. I would say this is a good sign rather that your body signals you how much it needs and don't overdo it. So, always follow the route that your body guides you to! Eat small and frequent meals for a better gut. Along with this, let’s talk about some science. Bloating is the buildup of gas in the intestine. What can be the probable source of this gas coming from? One such source is the air around us that we breathe. Basically, when we eat quickly and don’t chew the food properly, there are chances of swallowing air along with food that could further lead to that ‘gassy’ and ‘stuffy’ feeling. So eat in small amounts and slowly consume what you eat.

  1. Do you swallow food or air?

So, as already discussed, the probable reason behind this bloating feeling is the air. The source of this air can be the gas produced by bacteria in our gut or the air we swallow. So avoid eating in hurry, talking while eating and eating chewing gums. There is another culprit-carbonated beverages (soda, fizzy drinks etc.) which release carbon dioxide in the stomach when consumed. Staying away from them is the best advice for bloating.

  1. Are you allergic to certain foods?

If you are intolerant or allergic to certain foods and still consume them, it's a self-invitation to bloating. Talking about intolerances, it can be of lactose (sugar in milk), fructose (the fruit sugar), gluten (protein in wheat, rye, barley etc.) and egg allergy. Consuming them, despite being intolerant, gives our gut discomfort.

  1. Have you ever thought of the gas producing foods?

Talking about bloating, generally a low or no FODMAP diet is recommended. What’s this FODMAP?  It refers to “fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides and polyols”. This diet basically contain all those foods which escape digestion in our body and are fermented by the bacteria in the intestine which produces gas. Such foods are beans and legumes, wheat, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage and other cruciferous vegetables etc. Besides these, fructans also belong to FODMAPS and is present in onion and garlic, leading to bloating. Even the sugar alcohols which are a category of artificial sweeteners and present in sugar-free foods causes gas formation. The crux is not to avoid every food in this list, but find out the culprit that triggers your bloating symptoms and stay away from it!

  1. Are you constipated?

Constipation welcomes extreme bloating in the stomach and the welcoming garland is provided by fibre in the diet. Constipation has to be relieved as quickly as possible and this can be done by consuming more of fluids preferably water and increasing the physical activity.

The final word

Bloating is usually the body’s general response to certain foods and eating habits. But if you feel that bloating isn’t  easing up, it’s the time to see a doctor.