Beating monsoon woes

The hot weather has made way for cool, tempest showers. while the  season boasts pleasant days, it is also the time for bacteria to breed and multiply at a rapid rate,  as a result of which chances of catching and infection are high. here we list Essential tips to safeguard yourself during the season of rain romance and ragging bacteria .

  • Domestic hygiene:
  • Kitchen

Because of humidity and ' hot and cold ' temperatures, kitchens are known to breed the largest number of bacteria in a household. Therefore, make it a point to secure an exhaust fan to went out heat and dampness in the kitchen. Keep the kitchen surfaces clean and dry. Secure filter nets to the faucets since the tap water contains soil particles and other solid contaminants, specially during monsoons.

  • Rooms: 

dehumidify your living spaces and bathrooms by keeping a bowl of rock salt or room dehumidified. Used antibacterial floor cleaners and air fresheners to get rid of infection causing germs. Moisture can deteriorate leather and wooden furniture and you must ensure to keep them dry. Check for leaks to avoid fungal growth on walls and furniture and Damp odour.

  • Laundry:

Use antibacterial detergents to wash your laundry in order to disinfect your clothes. Machine dry your clothes and hang them in the bathroom on rainy days. The dampness in the air makes it very difficult for the laundry to dry. Whenever the sky is clear, expose your laundry to the sunlight as the sun's rays are the best natural sterilizers. Make sure that the laundry is thoroughly dried and kept in a dry wardrobe; otherwise, the clothes rot and airborne germs and bacteria easily breed and feed on them.

  1. Personal hygiene

When you are outdoors during monsoons, avoid touching your eyes without washing your hands thoroughly as there are greater chances of contracting eye infections like conjunctivitis during this season. If your routine involved outdoor activities, your feet are exposed to dirty water and become prone to infections. Use a few drops of Betadine in water to thoroughly clean your feet in order to avoid fungal infections. Apply a little mosquito repellent gel or cream whenever you go out in the evening. Carrier tiny bottle of Eucalyptus oil where ever you go.. A whiff of it is a slow but guaranteed bacteria cleanser of the nasal and respiratory tract.

  1. Food and food habits:

Since the damp and insect infested air is full of germs through the rainy season buy cut fruits and vegetables. Avoid buying meat that has been cut for long time. Avoid thin skinned fruits because  parasites can easily penetrate them. Wash fruits and vegetables (specially root vegetables and leafy vegetables) thoroughly before cutting them. Soak them in a solution of either baking soda or unprocessed coarse sea salt and water. After cleaning the meat, apply a paste of turmeric, sea salt and a little water on it and let it stay for 10 minutes, washing it with clean water. Turmeric and sea salt naturally kill harmful microbes. Buy pasteurized milk only and boil it before consumption. certain Foods are natural immunity boosters - lemon, garlic pods , ginger, turmeric, spinach , broccoli. Make sunflower seeds and Almonds part of your diet - you must have at least one of them on daily basis