India is the Diabetic capital of the world. But the good news is it is preventable as well as treatable to some extent. The first step towards making smarter choices is to separate the myths from the facts about eating. Have a look:

1.Myth- Diabetics can eat wheat but not rice.

  Fact- Both wheat and rice have a similar glycemic index and raise the blood sugar to a similar extent. But wheat is more nutritious as compared to wheat as it is rich in protein, fiber and B Vitamins.

Many diabetics feel it convenient to count and limit the number of chapatis and chew count is more  and satiety is better.

2.Myth- Any amount of wheat can be consumed.

  Fact- Large quantities of wheat increases glycemic load and blood sugar.

3.Myth- Fasting can be compensated by the last meal.

  Fact- Fasting can lead to hypoglycemia. It is dangerous particularly for those who are on oral medicines or insulin.

4. Myth- Feasting can be done by fasting the next meal.

   Fact- This results in hyperglycemia.

5. Myth- Diabetic diet is a special diet.

   Fact- This is a normal diet eaten regularly in moderation avoiding certain foods.

6. Myth- Fruits can be eaten in unlimited quantities.

   Fact- Citrus fruits and apples can be taken. Banana and mango are high in fructose. When eaten in unlimited quantities, cholesterol levels may increase.

7. Myth- Vegetables can be eaten in unlimited quantities.

   Fact- Only if eaten raw or with little fat or no coconut.

8. Myth- Liquids are easily digestible.

   Fact- Preparations like kanji are not preferred as they have high GI. Chapatis/ Rotis are preferred.

9. Myth- Avoid carbohydrates and fats.

   Fact- Take good carbohydrates and good fats.

             Low saturated fats

             Low trans fatty acids

             High unsaturated fatty acids

             High complex carbohydrates

10. Myth- Fruit juices/ cola drinks can be taken.

     Fact- It is better to avoid empty calories like cola drinks. It is better to eat the fruit such as such because the glycemic index and nutritive value are better.

11. Myth- Some patients think that being on antidiabetic drugs, there is no need to follow recommendations of diet and exercise.

     Fact- It is wrong. Diabetics should consume suggested diet and do regular exercise even while using the prescribed drugs.

12. Myth- Diabetics should restrict carbohydrates.

     Fact- Carbohydrates need not be restricted and that the normal Indian diet which provides 60-65% of calories from carbohydrates is right for diabetics.

The final word\

There are many myths about Diabetes which make it hard to understand. To cut through the confusion, have a look at these misconceptions and know Diabetes better.